KELLER update manager
Last change: Feb 5, 2018
KELLER Update Manager
Minor changes and bugfixes as well as new features are delivered by "updates". These "updates" are installed using one of a program called Update Manager. Befor installing the new files, the programm update manager saves the existing system data. The backed up data can be found in the subfolder "update" of the KELLERplus system directory. "
Each update includes all changes of previous updates, so you only need to use the latest update.
- SYMplus™ with plusCARE™ or
- SYMplus, CAMplus 6.0, CNCplus 6.0 with update release 17 or higher (see note below)
- The local administrator rights on the pc (server) on which the system-data are installed.
- A connection to the Internet either for the duration of the update, or the update files must first be downloaded from KELLER server.
- The KELLERplus software must not be running.
Approach to existing internet connection
- Start the Update Manager in the KELLERplus system directory (eg c: \ Program Files (x86) \ KELLER \ KELLERplusDE \ UpdateManager.exe or c: \ Program Files (x86) \ KELLER \ KELLERplusFE \ UpdateManager.exe).
- Select the setting "Update from Internet".
- "Next" button and follow the instructions of the program.
Approach in the absence of internet connection
- Download the update zip file. Write an e-mail to KELLER Support. In the email please include your present revision. This is shown in the dialog title of "F8 Setup" + "F4 system configuration" + "F1 Presettings".
- Extract the zip file to a medium which can be achieved in the update manager later.
- Start the Update Manager in the KELLERplus system directory (eg c: \ Program Files (x86) \ KELLER \ KELLERplusDE \ UpdateManager.exe or c: \ Program Files (x86) \ KELLER \ KELLERplusFE \ UpdateManager.exe).
- Select the setting "Update by CD or disk".
- Search Using the "Browse" button, the update from the second step. Select the subdirectory in which the file "UpCMD" is displayed. Confirm this by clicking and "Open".
- Then "Next" button and follow the instructions of the program.
During the update process, it may happen that the update manager will restart itself several times automatically. If the update has been installed correctly, you can see the new update release here: "F8 Setting" + "F4 system configuration" + "F1 Preferences" in the dialog title. For example, means "Version: R354.49" that Revision 354 update level is 49 installed).
Note to V6.0:
If you have CNCplus 6.0 less than 17 with an update release number below 17 your software can't be updated by means of the Update Manager. SYMplus and CAMplus 6.0 can only be updated to update level 36 (State January 2016).
Please contact KELLER Support and ask for an update offer.