Logfile to analyze Update problems

Last change: Feb 13, 2018

If the update manager reports an error, we usually need a log file to help you solve the problem. Please send this log file as an attachment by e-mail to support@cnc-keller.de for analysis.

There are two possible log files. Which log file is created for you, depends on when the error occurs:

In this case, the update manager sets subfolders in the system directory of the software where the folder name is formed as a combination of current date and time (for example, 20171130-150305.638). Each of these subdirectories contains a file named 'update.log' .

If you have already installed update revision 48 or higher (update manager with a revision number greater than or equal to 1.2r39) a temporary log file is generated when the Update Manager starts. This log file can be found in the system directory of the software, the name is 'update.log', too.

Note: Under certain circumstances, the Update Manager deletes the log files on exit. Therefore, leave the error message on the screen until you find and send the file.