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KELLERplus Update 65 Downloads

Last change: Jun 11, 2024

SYMplus™ Update 65

Released on 20.07.2023

Please note that the software can only be run with a valid license. SYMplus™ will not run with a V6.0 license and vice versa.

Attention when updating from V6.0: Do not try to "overinstall" SYMplus™ over an existing installation of V6.0, but uninstall the old version in advance. Also an installation via update manager from an existing V6.0 installation will not work!

Other languages will follow in the current revision.

See also Which version is current?

Deutsch DE Drehen Fräsen
中文 ZH 车削 铣削
English EN Turning Milling
Français FR Tournage Fraisage
Español ES Tornear Fresar
Nederlands NL Draaien Frezen
Português PT Tornear Fresar
русский RU Токарна обработка Фрезерование
Magyar HU Esztergálás Marás
Dansk DK Drejning Fræsning
Český CZ Soustruh Fryzovat
Svenska SV Svarvning Fräsning
Română RO Strunjire Frezare
Italiano IT Tornitura Fresatura

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